Our Policy

Arabian Cement Company “ACC” is committed to establish and maintain high standards in health, safety, security, and environment “HSSE”. ACC is also committed to provide Cement products with outstanding quality, consistent with customer requirements and regulatory standards while carrying out the environmental responsibility in a manner that demonstrates true leadership.

We in Arabian Cement Company, with integrity, shall:


Establish and maintain safe workplace and conduct operations at minimal risk with a high confidence in our operation integrity promoting safe work practices which will reduce the potential risks to all our employees, contractors, assets, adjacent neighbours and environment.

Environmentally Friendly

Maintain environmental friendly operations and work proactively to prevent or minimize the pollution in all areas attributed to our operations, wherever feasible.


Implement and maintain the requirements of the international standards, including quality ISO9001 and environment ISO 14001 systems.

Professional Training

Provide a suitable and sufficient training to all our staff and others such that we have technical competent workforce and healthy culture.

Consulting with Employees

Consult with our employees and others with regards to health, safety, security, environment, quality, energy saving and reliability. Recognize those within the company who contribute towards improving the overall performance.js

Conserving the Natural Resources

Conserve the inherent natural resources and improve the protection of these by reducing the waste generation and contamination of air, water and land. Ensure any waste expelled to environment is sufficiently safe.

Respecting the Law

Conduct all our business activities in compliance with all applicable legislations and local applicable regulatory requirements, and applicable standards.

Minimizing the Risks

Design, construct, install and maintain the facilities and operations in a way to minimize risks and save energy

Non-stop Improvements

Continue to seek continuous improvement and make sustainable development of the company and to improve our health, safety, security, environmental, quality, and reliability performance.

This policy forms an integral part to set our company objectives and targets. The policy shall be conveyed to all staff, consultants, and contractors and grant access to regulatory agencies, public, or other interested parties, including neighbours.